The EOTC attack has awakened the silenced/exhausted majority of democratic and pan-Ethiopian instincts

The EOTC attack has awakened the silenced/exhausted majority of democratic and pan-Ethiopian instincts.

Dr Adem Kassie (PhD), 

The EOTC attack has awakened the silenced/exhausted majority of democratic and pan-Ethiopian instincts. If the majority is to have any chance of success at building a democratic and egalitarian Ethiopia, it must overcome its perennial collective action problems.

For this, these forces must present themselves as truly pan-Ethiopian that seeks to transform the staunch EOTC leadership into a BROAD COALITION of justice, equality and democracy involving all linguistic and religious groups (and not simply an issue of religious freedom).

Any retrograde strategy that creates unease that the movement is simply to replace a perceived hegemony of 1 group (Oromo) with another (Amhara)– a narrative that has been carefully built by hardline Oromos ‘አማራው ስልጣን ሊነጥቅ ቋምጧል’- will undermine the nascent movt.

One such foolish strategy is suggestion that the #constitution must be abolished immediately. This is simply a no-go for many groups who want to retain the system (telling this to Afars, Somalis, Sidamas, Tegaru etc, only sends confusion and even signs of danger).

While there are many who reject the constitution, there is at least no agreement on what it should be replaced with. So, the strategy should be to build a broad coalition that consistently focuses on two themes.

A. Support a genuinely inclusive national dialogue process and determine the fate of the constitution to the emergence of sufficiently consensus (which could mean either smoothening the sharp edges of the current framework, or if agreed, constitutional change.

B. Ensure the organisation of free, fair and credible elections. A successful national dialogue process without credible elections to top it up with will only mean we are back to square one.

In short, the strategy should be to focus on a PROCESS, and leave specific OUTCOMEs to deliberation, compromise and consensus. Focusing on outcome puts the cart before the horse, is divisive and will undermine the fight to create an Ethiopia founded on equality and justice.

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