Ethiopia Government Officials Steal Food From Starving People

The BBC reports the medieval barbaric regime of Abiy Ahmed is stealing food from hungry citizens in Borana province southern Ethiopia.

The medieval barbaric regime of Abiy Ahmed who has led the death of over a million Ethiopians in conflicts and starvation since 2018 has now hit a new low. The BBC reports that officials in Borana zone of southern Ethiopia are stealing aid food and reselling it to the hunger-stricken population with high price. 

This is worse than what the TPLF did in the 1980s. The TPLF was at least not a government by then, it was a rebel movement. 

Over five million in Ethiopians are on death in Borana zone alone due to starvation caused by drought and mismanagement of resources by Abiy Ahmed's PP government. A total of 36 million people are on foreign food aid across Ethiopia. Most are victims of the ethnic civil war and mass-killings started by Ahmed Ahmed's PP and former rivals TPLF. 

Prime minister Abiy Ahmed came to power in 2018 and restored Ethiopia back to the Middle Ages with the killing of over a million and the total collapse of the country's economy and rule of law. He mismanaged the country's political and economic situations by making personal power dealings with anyone who helps him stay in power as long as possible. 

The BBC spoke to residents in the area who complained about this barbaric cruelty from Abiy Ahmed's government. Farmers in other parts of the country are also being forced to sell their wheat products to Abiy who thinks he can fool the international community by appearing as a wheat exporting government. 

While over 1/3rd of his population is starving, the medieval barbaric ruler is building a new palace with over 8-billion-dollar cost. Ethiopia needs a divine intervention from this hell. 

Report by ShegerPost staff writer

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