Ethiopians Mark Fano Appreciation Day to Celebrate Fano Fighters

Ethiopians mark Fano appreciation day to celebrate the iconic Fano forces who have posed a major threat to the Oromo PP genocidal reign.

On Thursday Oct 26 2023, Millions of Ethiopians around the country paid tribute to Fano fighters who are battling Abiy Ahmed's Oromo genocidal regime. Since Abiy and his Oromo Prosperity Party came to power in 2018, over 1.2 million Ethiopians have been killed. 

Fano Fighters joined Abiy Ahmed's fake reform wagon when he came to power in 2018. As a matter of fact, the whole world was fooled by Abiy Ahmed until his true colors were seen. He killed several high-profile Ethiopians & over 1.2 million people in five years of bloodshed.

Abiy declared war on Fano forces in April 2023, but his mercenary army has sustained massive casualties and over 80% of the Amhara region is under Fano fighters. 

Following their success, Ethiopians are hoping fano fighters will end Abiy Ahmed's Oromo genocidal campaign. And for that reason, a Fano appreciation day was marked on Thursday across Ethiopia. 

Fano fighters are emerging to be a formidable force of stability and democracy in horn of Africa. Many Ethiopians believe they are the future. Fano fighters are mainly from the Amhara tribe but recently thousands of troops from other Ethiopian tribes have joined their ranks. 

The Fano army has about 400000 troops in Gondar, Gojjam, Shoa and Wollo provinces. Majority of the troops are former ENDF and ARSF members who defected to Fano when Abiy and TPLF signed a reunion agreement in Pretoria. They are battle-hardened and Abiy Ahmed's mercenary fighters are witnessing hell in Amhara region.

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