Abiy Ahmed Purchases Expensive Akinci Drones to Fight Fano Forces

Abiy Ahmed's expensive purchase reveal the gravity of the danger Fano forces pose to his Oromo genocidal reign. 

Last week, Ethiopia's Oromo genocidal ruler, admitted the catastrophic defeat his mercenary forces suffered at the hands of Fano fighters in the Amhara province but vowed he would spend the entire country budget of 10 billion USD to stop the fighters from reaching Addis Ababa, Ethiopia's capital.

Based on the promise, Abiy purchased expensive and lethal drones that cost hundreds of millions of dollars. These drones are Turkey's most advanced drone technology, the Bayraktar Akinci. Their accuracy and lethality is much higher than the cheaper drone Abiy already has.

Abiy used drones extensively when he fought his former rivals the TPLF in late 2020 and 2021. But in between the two winters, TPLF forces managed to reach the North Shoa, two hours' drive of the capital Addis Ababa. 

Ethiopia's economy is on the brink, but Abiy has not hesitated to make his wishes public. He openly said in the parliament last week that he would use all of the country's budget which is about 10 billion USD to stop Fano fighters from advancing to Addis Ababa. 

The war with TPLF costed Ethiopian economy over 27 billion USD. It destroyed half of the Amhara and Afar provinces. The Wollega province which is under the Oromiya region is also a war zone for the last five years as Abiy suppresses rival Oromo militias like OLA. 

Fano fighters say they have learned lessons from TPLF and will not engage Abiy in huge numbers to avoid drone causalities. They're currently using loosely chained small units in Gondar, Gojjam, Wollo and Shoa to weaken Abiy Ahmed's mercenary army. 

UN announced in a statement on Friday that Abiy Ahmed's drones strikes hit civilian targets instead of Fano fighters. Hundreds of civilians have been killed so far in Shoa, Gojjam and South Wollo where drone strikes were conducted. These areas are closer to Oromoya where Abiy Ahmed's mercenary army stationed its drone centers. Gondar is further so the drones could not reach it.

In addition to the drones, military flights from UAE have been seen for several weeks now. UAE is reportedly supplying Abiy with heavy modern weapons in exchange for Ethiopia's full loyalty to any UAE interests in the region. 

War in Amhara intensifies...... 

Last week, Abiy mercenaries entered the western Gojjam county of Daga Damot after six months of heavy fighting. Daga Damot is also known as the meat-grinder as it became hell for Abiy Ahmed's mercenary army. Thousands of his troops have been killed there.  

Fano forces halted their push for the key cities of Dessie and Kombolcha as Abiy launched extensive arial strikes in South Wollo. But they remain in the outskirts of the two economic hubs waiting for their moment. 

In Shoa, Abiy mercenary forces have presence in the two largest towns, Debre Birhan and ShoaRobit. South Gondar is under full Fano administration except the zonal capital DebreTabor. 

Abiy Ahmed's mercenary army relies heavy on technology and an infantry used cannon fodder. He does not have a properly trained and experienced army structures. He built the army during the TPLF war which killed more than one million people in just two years, its world's deadliest war of the century. 

Ethiopia has a population of 120 million people of which over 70% are unemployed military age youth who Abiy is simply using as cannon fodder. Abiy Ahmed's power base, the Oromo region feeds the largest recruits. 

Abiy will only lose this war when the money to run the wars drains. He does not have a capable army to fight any credible adversary..

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