Ethiopia's economy is ethnic politics, fascism is entrepreneurship.

Ethiopia's economy is ethnic politics. The corporations are ethnic political parties, and the entrepreneurs are the fascists in these parties. 

Liberalizing it is the solution.

This week, Ethiopia's ministry of justice announced the indictment of dozens of corruption suspects from a town in the outskirts of Addis Ababa, the capital. The lemukura town is a small town governed under the Pseudo- Addis Ababa regional administration. Addis Ababa is effectively governed by the Oromoya regional government who gives the country's leader Abiy Ahmed. 

The suspects were members of an ethnic Oromo political ring within Prime minister Abiy Ahmed's ruling party. They were accused of selling vast land and benefited in millions. The chief mafia in the ring, administrator of the town's land office safely left the country with millions of stolen dollars with the support of elements within the ruling party. 

The government arrested lower-level members of the ring just to pretend it's doing something against the ongoing corruption in the country that has directly caused the ethnic violence all around the county. 

Ethiopia is a poor country. Its only resource is land and land is owned by imaginary ethnic groups which the TPLF constitution refers as "nations, nationalities and peoples". Nobody knows who is from what ethnic group in Ethiopia's population. It's no longer black and white. What was yesterday Amhara is now Oromo. Lidetu Ayalew is a very good example. 

Practically land is owned by government cadres organized along ethnic lines. They sell the land and become rich. When their corruption is exposed, they raise their ethnic card and portray their critics as enemies of a given ethnic group. 

The TPLF commercialized and institutionalized ethnic politics when it took power in 1991. It divided the nation's land into nine ethnic provinces. With its collaborators and beneficiaries in every ethnic province, the TPLF looted billions of dollars from Ethiopia's economy. The power of its military and surveillance infrastructure covered this secret. 

'Even Lencho Leta called his own OLF (now OLA shenne) as a group fighting for business interests in a bombshell interview recently'

TPLF's horrific war that costed the lives close to a million people in the last two years was directly caused by economic reasons. Money is spiritual. TPLF could not accept the prospect of losing its economic interest when Abiy came to power. Abiy and some around him openly discussed the idea of democratizing the country's economy by returning land to citizens. 

All ethnic entrepreneurs (from every ethnic group) that sold land and became rich in the last three decades under TPLF's rule came out against Abiy Ahmed. Even "Amharas" who called out TPLF as "anti-Amhara" in the last three decades are now openly pro-TPLF. The TPLF is effectively defeated on the battlefield, but they hope it will restore its hegemony miraculously and allow them once again to sell land and control the economy. 

Liberalizing the economy is the cure for this existential threat in Ethiopia. Land sellers and brokers from every ethnic group masquerade as nationalists for their ethnic group to rally the poor and uneducated in the countryside. The widespread ethnic violence in the country is scripted and executed by these land sellers. They have money, they own the banks, Amhara bank, Oromo bank etc. They own TV stations Amhra TV Oromo tv. Insanity has replaced sanity.

Abiy Ahmed and his reform agenda is only hanging on by the blood of the army, the ENDF and the silent poor. he needs to quickly implement the reform agenda by rewriting the constitution, banning ethnic parties and declaring land to the teller, otherwise the army cannot keep dying to cover the political chaos this ethnic entrepreneurship caused. The poor also can't live forever in this type of economic hardship. It will explode soon and that will be Armagedón if Armagedón hasn't yet occurred by TPLF's war in the last two years. 

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