The colossal fall of Wollega fascist Bekele Gerba

 Disgrace and jealousy kill Bekele Gerba's pollical career

Bekela Gerba, the disgraced Wollega fascist sinks another low by openly claiming to be one of the terrorist militants locally called OLA-Shenne. 

By Genet Asfaw

I was a Bekele Gerba fan before 2018 not because I agreed with his politics but because I supported the struggle of many Oromo individuals who resisted TPLF's murderous dictatorship. So many Oromo individuals lost their lives and livelihoods under the savage TPLF dictatorship. So it was just to support the so called Oromo cause and I did. I do not regret it. 

Bekele suffered heinous treatment from TPLF, he was jailed multiple times, denied basic service including food. After Abiy Ahmed came to power, he was released. His party, a party of few outdated men like Merera gudina was, OFC was dead. In the first interview he gave After his release, he was asked of he knew the so called Qerros. He doesn't know any one of them and never heard about them. By then he didn't know the power of Qerro but when he traveled to his home in Nazareth city (Weyane renamed it Adama despite rebellion from Christian Oromos), they told him Qerro group led by Jawar Mohammed was "ruling" the country. He quickly wanted to grab the political opportunity and started claiming that he led the Qerro rebellion that "ousted" TPLF from power. He started appearing with Jamar Mohammed the Facebook leader of Qerros. 

Bekele heated up the heat that was burning the nation by leading a statement of four so called Oromo political groups that claimed to fully control the capital Addis Ababa & sell its land in the name of Oromo ownership question on Addis Ababa. Bekele was already hotter than Jawar Mohammed in those days. He kept on spewing hate and fascism. He was already on the back of the cheetahs. He couldn't get down, he had to double down on the fascism. He then reportedly said store owners in the so called oromoya region should not serve their customers with Ethiopia's state language Amharic. That was a huge blow for his political career mainly because it was seen as hateful but because it was illogical and against business laws. 

You serve customers in their language because they pay you money. If you stop serving them in the language they understand, they don't do business with you. Bekele was disgraced already, and he had already crossed the lines. So he dropped his most disgraceful hate speech. He reportedly called on all married Oromo individuals on the far-right islamist TV network OMN to divorce their spouses if they're from a different tribe. And for the unmarried ones to give up on their love for a woman or man of a different tribe. Bekele Gerba's medieval statement was the last thing for many Oromo individuals who supported him, and they cut their relationship after that. That buried his political career. 

When he was arrested in 2020 accused of organizing the massacres in Shashemene, Bale , Arsi and other provinces following the assassination of singer Hachalu Hundessa, no Oromo individual protested because they lost heart for this outdated medieval fascist. After TPLF was defeated in the winter of 2021/2022, he was released from prison. No Oromo individual cared about that. He became average, no more attention like the past. Bekele couldn't resist the need for fame and attention. He left the country, no paid attention and now officially Bekele is claiming to be a member Shenne an outlawed terrorist group in the wellega province of western Ethiopia.

His jealousy and disgrace made him bend for TPLF for his old torturers.

Bekele comes from the Wellega Oromo tribe. Jealousy and lust for power did him wrong. He's now openly calling for a violent overthrow of the government from a safe heaven. He's living in the western hemisphere. We all can learn from the colossal collapse of Bekele Gerba. He's a father. That isn't how fathers behave in public, spewing hate. He still claims to be vice chairman of the OFC, a legally registered political group. The Ethiopian government must enforce the law. They shouldn't charge Bekele Gerba for terrorism since that would fulfill his dream of being a fake hero for human rights, but they need to publicly ask OFC what they're doing. Are they a legal cover of the fascism and terrorism in the Oromoya province? Yes, they are. 

Abiy Ahmed had clearly expressed the intent of Wollega fascists. He said they would want to kill him because he is from Jimma. They also show abosulte disrespect for Shoa Oromos like the regional Oromo governor Shimaels Abdisa who they say is amhara sell out. 

Bekele comes from the Wellega tribe and is jealous of the Abiy Ahmed Ali who comes from the Jimma Oromo tribe. He also believes he's more educated and experienced than Abiy but politics ain't like that. No matter how "educated" you are, your political career will only be determined by your ideology and moves. Bekele fell for the young Jawar Mohammed like an old prostitute falls in love with a young man. He lost it and it should be a lesson for all of us.

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