Desperate Abiy Looks Back to Broken TPLF for Help

As his regime is collapsing after five years of horrific civil war that killed over a million, Ethiopia’s desperate PM Abiy Ahmed is trying to gain support from his old foes TPLF who are also waiting for their own coffin.

Just look at his face and the other PP guys. They're sleepless, scared of everything. TPLF guys look more relieved. 

This piece was written on 2/3/2023. In the morning hours of the day, heavy fighting took place between Ethiopia army troops and rebels in Bako, a small town three hours' drive from the capital Addis Ababa. The Ethiopian army is being used as a cannon fodder to make up for the deficiencies of the mentally struggling PM Abiy Ahmed. The writer cares about the blood ENDF troops are shedding in a very unfortunate situation the country’s failed leadership put them in.

In the afternoon, the desperate PM was having lunch with TPLF rebel leaders who originally created and armed the rebels in the Oromo province to oust him in a proxy war. Well, it’s a traditional tactic used by powerful people to use enemies who submitted to them for their advantage. But that’s not what Abiy did. The TPLF is completely decimated by the iconic Ethiopian army and Eritrean troops in the two-year war losing over 600 thousand combatants. The Tigrayan group has lost its public support too in Tigray province. Its ardent backers and funders in the diaspora and international community have turned against it. TPLF is dead and is only waiting for the final nail to be buried. For the mentally ill chairman of the ruling prosperity party, it doesn’t matter as long as it helps him stay on power for a few more days.

The prime minister made a U-turn at the start of the week making it public that its paralyzed government was behind the armed movement to destroy the ancient Orthodox Church who backed him when he came to power and slowly turned its back when he started to act up and put the country in turmoil.

Abiy Ahmed’s power is only on those who are not armed and civilian. His dead intelligence service that has failed in the last five years to foil conflicts and terrorist attacks, harasses unarmed priests and civilian church goers. His regime only attacks the vulnerable ones without armed militias, those who expect to live  in a civilized society of rule of law.

The Ethiopian public cautiously stood behind the incompetent president of PP as he faced armed ethnic militias since day one only to realize that the failure of his administration is the root cause of all problems in Ethiopia. People gave him the benefit of the doubt. But He has failed to recruit expertise in every field, the security, the economy and political secrets. He collected mediocre “yes-man” individuals not those who scientifically analyze situations and forecast what happens where and when.

The two reasons Ethiopia survived this civil war and the mentally disturbed man is still on power is ENDF troops and the mass poor who’s living in dire economic situation. ENDF (the army) paid huge sacrifices in every parts of the country in the last five years to quell terrorist attacks and conflicts that could have been thwarted by politicians and intelligence officers. 

It’s not clear how long ENDF troops keep dying to keep him in power. Of course, there is a general agreement the troops are dying to save their beloved country from collapse and mass death. Even with that, over a million have already been killed in the last five years civil war. The army can only deter foreign enemies who dare to attack Ethiopia not local conflicts and genocides that are fabricated by Abiy Ahmed and his cadres.

His mediocre administration has failed to do a significant work that would reduce conflicts. He kept making them instead to keep the public in confusion and fear.

His desperate attempt to destroy the church and gain short term support from Oromo religious fundamentalists tells everything about this psychopath. It won’t be long before he faces the inevitable. He forgot who saved him when the TPLF troops reached the gates of Addis Ababa. The poor and ENDF by their blood.

The poor is silently dying by the economic war. Inflation has reached over 300%. It won’t be long before all ends. We will see if he survives. The only way out is to fix the leadership crisis at the party and national level. The army should maintain its strength and unity against the PM. All pro-democracy groups should prepare the public for the worst that is coming and do something to save the nation. The meniac is not mentally capable to lead a nation of 100 million people in the horn of Africa.

The international community should not interfere but watch carefully and help without taking sides. The continued civil war in Ethiopia means more instability in the horn of Africa. Eritrea should also keep its eyes in Ethiopia. TPLF is defeated but PP and the meniac PM are already the new cancers of horn of Africa. 

He has no agenda, no political ideology, or vision at all. It's just more chaos, more bloodshed to stay in power as long as possible. 


  1. I can see I he Amhara are panicking,this is just the start next time don’t attack someone with the help of someone because your group is next victim of the genocide

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