After 50 years of bloody campaign, OLF took over power in Ethiopia. The group is marking its anniversary.

The Oromo liberation Front is celebrating its 50th anniversary after fully completing its first mission, destroying the Ethiopian state and turning the nation into a hell. 

The Oromo liberation front (OLF) was formed in June 1973 in the dormitories of the Addis Ababa university as a socialist ethno fascist group exactly like the national socialist party of Germany aka NAZI party. 

The group's mission was two. 

1, To destroy the Ethiopian state 
2, form the Oromoya state (republic) on the ashes of Ethiopia 

It remained dormant until 1991 since most of the soldiers (the Dergue) who toppled the king in 1974 were Oromos and they killed the so-called Amhara royal family members, the group had no support in the wide tribe members. 

The military regime also imposed socialism in Ethiopia. So, who wants OLF when the Dergue was doing everything the OLF claims to stand for except forming a fascist state that conducts politics solely on the basis of ethnicity. When the Dergue lost its own power struggle in May 1991 to the TPLF (another ethno fascist group but better equipped than the OLF, many of its retreating troops joined OLF inflating the far-right militia upto 50,000 combatants. 

The TPLF who was scared of this Oromo militia had smart leaders. They used the OLF as useful idiots in their campaign to wipe out Ethiopianists from the center of Ethiopian politics. They lured and defused the group's pollical leadership by creating the Oromia regional state one step short of an independent Oromia republic without the Wollo province which OLF still claims. The 50,000 OLF troops were surrounded and massacred by TPLF's army. 

TPLF used OLF to neutralize Ethiopianists in southern Ethiopia between 1991 and 1995. When it finished its purpose, the TPLF crushed it. Many OLF members joined the TPLF's coalition as leaders of the newly created Oromia region. Some left the country. They all were waiting for their chance. They were executing OLF policies in the Oromia region.

In 2005, Ethiopianists won nation-wide peaceful elections. Panicked by the event, the TPLF woke up the OLF from the ashes. All Ethiopianist groups were crushed. Anti-Ethiopia rhetoric was fanned throughout the country. The TPLF was doing OLF's work not realizing what was coming. 

In 2012, TPLF's leader and Ethiopia's longtime dictator Meles Zenawi passed away. The OLF-inspired #OromoProtests movement engulfed the Oromo region. In 2018, OPDO took power effectively removing TPLF from Addis Ababa. Blinded by their hate and kleptomania, the TPLF morons thought or still believe it was the Amhara who toppled them. The Amharas only supported TPLF's removal, and their activists celebrated its demise. But they had no significant role in overthrowing the group's power. It is the OLF-OPDO protest also known as the #OromoProtests movement that removed TPLF from power. 

When the TPLF started the northern Ethiopia war in Nov 2020, hundreds of thousands of Oromos joined the central government's army led by elite Oromo generals and crushed the TPLF. Over 700,000 TPLF youth were reportedly killed in the meat-grinder that ended in Nov 2022 when the TPLF accepted Abiy Ahmed's power and his far-right Oromo allies who no longer take orders from the old OLF leadership but act by the playbook of the group. 

In June 2023, the OLF is celebrating its 50th anniversary. As the nominal leader Dawud Ibsa claimed half of the goal is achieved. Ethiopia is a nation without a state and a government for that matter. The Civil war has killed over a million so far. Over two million non-Oromos have been wiped out from the Oromia region. The orthodox church is officially banned. The economy has collapsed. Abiy Ahmed leads the official government from the old palace in Addis Ababa. They're building a new palace too. The actual OLF government rules the rest of Ethiopia. The TPLF has succeed since 2018. It's been functioning as its own state since then. 

OLF has successfully defeated the Ethiopian state after half a century of bloody revolutions and civil wars. Ethiopians themselves may have collaborated it unknowingly over the years. 

The question now is can they achieve the last mission, giving birth to the new state of Oromia in east Africa? It's possible but it will be much bloodier than what we saw so far. International support may not be there like the case in Eritrea's formation in 1991 or what we saw in eastern Europe. Even worse, the Amharas are already gearing up for the fight. Amhara Militias have been engaged in skirmishes against the government in the contested Wollega province. They won't give up easily. Other like the Gurages and the Somalis might pick up arms too. It's going to be Armageddon.

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