Allied Oromo Forces (ENDF, OLA, OSF) Battle Fano Factions in Mida Rema County of Shoa Province

Intense fighting continues between pro-Abiy forces and Fano factions in the strategic Shoa province which is also the center of power in Ethiopia.

Abiy Ahmed's mercenary forces (ENDF) backed by OLA (Oromo liberation Front) & Oromo special forces (OSF) have continued battling rebel Fano forces in Shoa province which is an hour drive from Abiy Ahmed's power base, the capital Addis Ababa.

The latest fighting took place in Mida Rema county on Dec 25/26 where an infantry division of allied OLA & OSF forces invaded the Amhara County as Abiy Ahmed's mercenary forces (ENDF) shelled the area with heavy weaponry. Two Amhara farmers were killed, and dozens wounded by the attack. 

Battlefield sources say the attack started on the night of Dec 25 and the Oromo infantry force looted crops and several livestock from Amhara farmers.

A few hours later, Fano regiments in the county under the Shoa Fano command of Shaleqa Meketaw reached the area, chasing the Oromo infantry force and completely decimating it. Looted property has also been restored according to the source.

After losing their Oromo infantry divisions, Abiy mercenary forces (ENDF) intensified the heavy shelling of the county with ZU-23s and rockets.

Abiy mercenary forces (ENDF) is under the direct command of Abiy Ahmed and his Oromo commanders Berhanu Jula and Yilma Merdasa. They have numerous modern weapons including precision drones. 

OLA is under its commanders and have a loose alliance with Abiy mercenary forces (ENDF) and OSF (the Oromo regional army commanded by Abiy Ahmed's righthand man, Shimals Abdisa). 

Thousands of Amhara civilians were massacred and over a million displaced since 2018 in Wollega, Arusi, Shoa and Hararge provinces in a well-planned and executed Genocide. 

The Amharas picked arms & formed the Fano military in the summer of 2023 to stop the genocide and swept over 80% of land in Gojjam, Gondar, Wollo, Shoa and Wollega. 

Over 500 thousand Abiy mercenary forces (ENDF) have so far been deployed to the regions to fight the Fanos. 

In addition to Shoa, fresh fighting has been reported in South Gondar and Northen Wollo near the history town of Lalibela. 

Last week, chief of Abiy mercenary forces Berhanu Jula lashed out at Fano forces calling them "killers" for wiping out thousands of his troops since July. 

The United States government called for a peaceful way out of the war but both Fano forces and Abiy Ahmed rejected talks given their irreconcilable differences. 

Fano forces need a revolution that transforms Ethiopia from the current state. On the other hand, Abiy and his mercenaries do everything they can to abort that revolution. 

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