At least a Hundred Abiy Mercenaries Killed in Debre Birhan City in an Overnight Raid by Fano Forces

Fano forces execute a deadly operation in the northern Shoa city of Debre Birhan killing over a hundred Abiy mercenaries. 

On Tuesday night (1/3/2024), Fano forces gained a brief control of the city and the command center of Abiy Ahmed's mercenary army. 

Spokesman of the Fano brigade that completed the operation said the fighting started on the previous night as the mercenary army attempted to control Tarma Ber and Sela Dingay two militarily strategic locations in the whole of the Shoa province, but it was decimated and even lost control of its base Debire Birhan city. 

The Fanos chased the mercenary army up to the center of the city where the command center is located. The Shoa Fano command under Shaleqa Meketaw Mamo has been fighting allied Oromo forces of OLA and OSF who are loosely aligned with Abiy Ahmed's mercenary army. 

The Fano command controls large swathes of territory including major towns like Merhabete. Another faction under the name 'OneAmhara" is also very powerful in the areas.

The Shoa province was the home of Ethiopia's most decorated emperor, Menelik, who defeated Italians invaders at the battle of Adwa in the 19th century. Menelik is an icon in the global black community but due to the hateful writings of western historians, the emperor is a controversial figure in Ethiopia.

The Shoa Fano command pauses a major threat to Abiy Ahmed's barbaric rule as its activities are close to Ethiopia's only sea outlet. In fear of not being cut off, Abiy Ahmed signed a controversial port agreement with the Somali breakaway region of Somaliland.

Heavy fighting resumes in North Gondar after weeks of silence

In the 48 hours, heavy fighting resumed in North Gondar zone. Armachio locality close to the Sudan and Eritrea border saw deadly fighting in which Fano forces under the command of Shaleqa Mesafint claimed causing massive damages on Abiy mercenary forces. 

Ajire Janora, another location in the zone which was the site heavy fighting in the last two months also saw a horrific battle causing the death of hundreds of fighters. A local media 'Ethio News" reported, at least a dozen civilians were also killed in the crossfire. 

Intense fighting has also continued in south Wollo as the Wollo Fano command under the seasoned colonel Fentahun Muhabaw continues to make the zone a hell for Abiy Ahmed's invading mercenaries. 

Gojjam which is already a meat-grinder for Abiy Ahmed's mercenary forces in the last six months is also seeing relentless fighting. In a video message released to the media, one of the leaders of the Gojjam Fano command, Zemene Kassie, claimed the war is ending as the backbone of Abiy Ahmed's mercenary army is broken in the six months fighting.

Abiy Ahmed's mercenary army heavily relies on war equipment shipped from its allies in UAE and the large unemployed population in Ethiopia. Abiy will not stop fighting until he feels the heat personally. 

Fano forces say they're fighting to end the ongoing #AmharaGenocide and then help build an Ethiopian meritocracy where every Ethiopian is treated according to their merit regardless of ethnic background.

Thousands of Amharas have been killed in the last five years especially in the Oromo province where Abiy Ahmed comes from. 

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